Image - Part 3

Scripture Reading - Mark 12:14-17 KJV

14 And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
15 Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it.
16 And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Caesar's.
17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

In our first lesson on “Image” we spoke about God making man with an “imagination”. Thus everyone has an “image” of themselves on the inside that will eventually manifest on the outside. A problem we also mentioned is that their “image” of themselves as a person will typically influence their “image” of you. We also taught a lesson on man trying to project his image of himself or herself upon others. This means that the people of greater influence typically have a greater “image” of themselves than they ought. This greater influence is not just for kings of old but rather still very prevalent in the world right now. Today, we highlight another way that man attempts to project their “image” unto others by examining today’s scripture. We (all Christians) should know that we were created to glorify God all day and every day. However we cannot be sure if other nations (including America) followed this biblical example or came up with the idea themselves to place an “image” on their currency. Some would think this is a good thing because it brings honor to notable people of that nation but we (ihlcc) would caution that we are not to lift up ourselves before man. For whoever uplifts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be uplifted.-Luke 14:11 1912 Weymoutns New Testament Probably many people upon this earth whom God has honored never intended to have their name circulated among millions but someone else with others who delight in glorifying man proposed this idea. For the sake of pride man usually delights in exalting himself above others just like Satan exalted himself against God. So if they find someone who is respected by many they use that “image” to exalt the “image” of man overall. Those who delight in the image of themselves will settle for the exaltation of another man as long as that other man is similar to them. Satan really doesn’t care if man is exalted in the world system just as long as no one exalts God. The “image” of man can do nothing to harm Satan’s operation only the “image” of God because light dispels all darkness. Now, we wish we could say that man was good (clean, just or fair) enough to place “God’s image” over all people but that would not be true. Thus, we must repeat the fact that man’s “image” of himself is the only measuring stick he uses to judge others by. It is no accident that the previous presidents of the United States of America qualify to be placed on our money with the words “In God we Trust” but the first thing you see when you look at American money is the amount and the face on the front right in the center. Whether you realized this or not Satan is using the scripture against us to keep us (many Christians and the people of the world) in deception so he can keep us bondage. For example the Lord Jesus said since Caesar’s image is on the money you can give Caesar a portion of your money for tax purposes with a clear conscience. The religious leaders of that day thought it evil (immoral) to give anything that was God’s to a man who thinks of himself as a God. Jesus in context was mentioning the greater truth of rendering unto God what is God’s specifically speaking about your spirit, soul and body. Many people think that the “images” of men on money are respected people that represent the history and glory of America and because we are reminded daily of those people in respect to this nation we should give back into this nation (showing the nation’s capital building right on back of some money). If the “image” of Caesar on a penny meant that Caesar (or Rome) should receive back from its citizens what does the “image” of our American Presidents mean on our money? Yes, the correct answer is the same thing. We are not wrestling with a new devil but an old one such that his intentions have not changed only strategies to execute his diabolical plans. Yes, if the world system (Satan and his lessor kingdom) and the people of the world system control all the money upon the earth they will only create systems to build their “image” in the earth. This means all of God’s Plans and Purposes will be challenged by Satan and the world system. Many people do not know that man should not be exalted outside of God but they are so used to the “image” of man in their own pockets and purses they have come to believe that Uncle Sam owns everything while we own nothing. However this type of thinking is so wrong when you consider that God owns everything in earth and all good things upon the earth were created by Him. This is only one example of the power of influence concerning an “image”, so take it to heart that the “image” you imagine should be holy and pure. We (ihlcc) do believe it very possible to project the “image of God” in the person of Jesus Christ and God’s Kingdom of Righteousness in your house, on your street, in your city, in your state and all over this world but you must purpose to do so in Jesus Name. If you are a doer of God’s Word you must be a follower of “God’s image” and that qualifies you to project “His Image” unto others for His Glory, not mans. Amen!